Witching World Diary Entry #1

Witching World Diary
2 min readJan 20, 2021
Art by @Hikaru_295

December 26th 2020

2021 will be a year of war. The transphobia by Harry Potter, indeed, J.K. Rowling will be addressed. The U.S. will be addressed. The growth of China is secured, and there’s nothing the Trump Administration or the Biden Administration can do. And then… there’s Covid. Lucky are those who know Covid and understand the nature of the virus, which is less than 1%. The casualties from the virus will run at the hundreds of millions capping around half a billion. That’s a prediction.
This is no time for peace. The US wants to play God of politics, and this will not be allowed. Transphobia is to be expected in a world where the Western media portrays trans in a very unflattering way. Trans people who cross-dress and wear clown makeup and act like a combination of Kim Kardashian, Belle Delphine and Ru Paul (or any combination of the above) aren’t representative of the trans identity any more, and this line of thinking and stereotyping must be purged from the mainstream media. Trans people deserve better, role models, and all. Yes, I understand why transphobia has consumed J.K. Rowling. Too much social media and TV for you. A low-intelligent swine. You’ve never seen a real trans person mentally transitioned kept their original form. You don’t see that on CNN. And screw CNN. Stick to Bloomberg. You’ll be amazed.



Witching World Diary

You found the Witching World Diary. For the glory of the Witching World! For Celine Swift!