Witching World Diary Entry #3

Witching World Diary
2 min readJan 28, 2021

January 9th 2021

Today, something different from the usual.
Iran. It’s all about Iran if you want to create WW3.
This is a PSA. I will now run you through the process of how the U.S. would start WW3 in their favour. The centrepiece of this scheme is the Iran Nuclear Deal. Previously, rebel Donald Trump left the deal, but Biden is already looking to return to it.
Who’s the biggest detriment to U.S. national security? Why that would have to be CIA Director Brennan, the most incompetent man I’ve ever seen in the field catered to Hillary Clinton and her insanity. The criminal pair successfully managed to export social justice, a prerequisite for invading at a later stage to save Europe from the refugee crisis; social justice, boiling down to a mere scheme to encourage, even mandate refugee intake for the EU. But the twist is, someone had to create the refugees, and it was the U.S., for a clear-cut purpose. The scheme fell because Trump became President and didn’t abide by Hillary’s blueprint.
“Refugees welcome” the famous words of Emma Watson, also owed to the Swedish women, who were subsequently gang-raped by the refugees. That’s what they call feminism.
While all of that was happening, Hillary wanted to borrow the nuke from Iran and use it on U.S. troops in Syria. With nuclear weapons, the U.S. isn’t allowed the First Strike. Hillary’s idea was then to lie to Congress that Russia had nuked the U.S. and she would have succeeded and been given the green light to retaliate. This is why Iran is so important to the U.S.. Mr Brennan of the CIA, the man who enabled and walked every mile for Hillary to become President instead created a mess back home that the Intelligence Community wasn’t ready for or anticipating, making Mr Brennan the most incompetent and powerful stooge in U.S. politics. America had been divided into two: the left and the right all thanks to John Brennan whose sole job was to protect America and not drag the CIA into domestic politics had managed to destroy America to the benefit of China and Russia. Mr Brennan would ceaselessly accuse Russia of election meddling in the 2016 election, but Mr Brennan would ultimately become the U.S.’s top national security threat himself and a detriment to the U.S. superpower. The way Mr Brennan and Hillary Clinton went after Mr Trump certainly didn’t do America any good. It was a fun show, and Trump did well for China and Russia and maybe even for America. That all depends on the Trump Patriot now and what it’ll do next.
One thing is for sure: Brennan and Clinton are damn idiots.



Witching World Diary

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